(點小圖看大圖,世衛H5N1禽流感說明圖,台灣受中國連累被列為感染區) WHO竟然以台灣為中國一省為由,將從來沒有發生禽流感疫情的台灣算作中國的一部份,一起列入禽流感疫區,此舉不僅矮化台灣國格,更將對台灣的國際貿易、進出口、商業、觀光、旅行造成重大衝擊,全台灣應該不分藍綠,對WHO這種違背事實為政治服務的舉動提出抗議。 抗議方法 一、拷貝下列範文 二、標題寫上「Stop listing Taiwan as one of the avian influenza confirmed occurrence countries」。 三、用EMAIL寄到 WHO總部 administrator@who.int 以及西太平洋辦公室 postmaster@wpro.who.int Dear WHO officials, I am writing this letter to request you to stop listing Taiwan as one of the avian influenza confirmed occurrence countries. You mistakenly list Taiwan as one of the countries having avian influenza on the maps of countries confirmed occurrence of H5N1 avian influenza in poultry and wild birds. According to the data of your own organization and World Organization for Animal Health, there is no single occurrence of H5N1 avian influenza on the soil of Taiwan. WHO is one of the most important organizations in public health and should always stick to the fact not the politics. Listing Taiwan as one of...